여러분은 총 1시간 6개의 웹 세미나에 모두 참석함으로써 EF 교사 개발 자격증을 얻을 수 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 무료이며 1년에 여러 번 실시됩니다(다음 세션은 날짜 참조). 웹 세미나는 영어로 진행되며, 전 세계 교사라면 누구든 신청할 수 있습니다. 프로그램이 끝난 후 이메일로 인증서를 보내드리고 있습니다.
AI and the ELT Teaching Journey
13.03.2025 - 17.00 CET
Explore how AI can enhance your ELT classroom! This webinar is designed to help you leverage AI tools to personalize instruction, save time on lesson planning, and engage students in innovative ways. Discover practical strategies and tools that will enhance your teaching journey and motivate your students to learn
Task based learning
20.03.2025 - 17.00 CET
Discover how Task-Based Learning can boost communication, motivation, and language skills in your classroom. This practical webinar offers strategies, activities, and tips to create engaging, real-world tasks for learners.
Student centered Grammar Learning
27.03.2025 - 17.00 CET
Re-imagine grammar teaching with a student-centered approach! This webinar explores strategies to empower learners to discover, practice, and apply grammar in meaningful ways. Perfect for ELT teachers looking to make grammar learning engaging and effective.
Exploiting Authentic Material
03.04.2025 - 17.00 CET
This webinar will give you practical strategies to integrate real-world texts, media, and resources into their lessons. Learn how to adapt and utilize authentic materials effectively to enhance language acquisition, build cultural awareness, and inspire your students. Perfect for teachers looking to bring the real world into their ELT classrooms!
Gamifying any Activity
10.04.2025 - 17.00 CET
Discover how to boost engagement and motivation through gamification! This webinar explores practical ways to integrate game elements into your ELT lessons, making learning fun and impactful for your students.
Evidencing Learning in the classroom
17.04.2025 - 17.00 CET
Join this practical webinar and explore practical strategies to track progress, showcase achievement, and provide meaningful feedback. Perfect for ELT teachers aiming to make learning visible and impactful!
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