질문 형태와 간접 화법


질문을 간접 인용하는 경우 정상 어순이 사용됩니다. 즉 주어가 동사 앞에 오고, 꼭 'do'나 'did'를 사용할 필요가 없습니다:

당신의 지식을 테스트
직접 화법 간접 화법
"Where does Peter live?" She asked him where Peter lived.
"Where are you going?" She asked where I was going.
"Why is she crying?" He asked why she was crying.
예/아니오 질문

이 유형의 질문은 'ask' + 'if / whether' + 절을 이용하여 간접 인용됩니다:

직접 화법 간접 화법
"Do you speak English?" He asked me if I spoke English.
"Are you British or American?" He asked me whether I was British or American.
"Is it raining?" She asked if it was raining.
"Have you got a computer?" He wanted to know whether I had a computer.
"Can you type?" She asked if I could type.
"Did you come by train?" He enquired whether I had come by train.
"Have you been to Bristol before?" She asked if I had been to Bristol before.
질문 단어

이 유형의 질문은 'ask' (혹은 'ask'와 같은 또 다른 동사) + 질문 단어 + 절. 절에는 정상 어순의 질문이 필요한 시제 변경과 함께 포함됩니다.

직접 화법 간접 화법
"What is your name?" he asked me. He asked me what my name was.
"How old is your mother?", he asked. He asked how old her mother was.
The policman said to the boy, "Where do you live?" The policeman asked the boy where he lived.
"What time does the train arrive?" she asked. She asked what time the train arrived.
"When can we have dinner?" she asked. She asked when they could have dinner.
Peter said to John, "Why are you so late?" Peter asked John why he was so late.
당신의 지식을 테스트